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Filling in the Gaps

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 3:30 am
by Fox Parker
As many of the long time members may remember, this unit used to operate with an Executive Officer in place, making for a minimum of 4 officers offering good coverage for all members. While we're still weak on the European timezones, we were covering half to three quarters of North America between Tomman, mp00, and myself. To fill in the coverage more, I began looking at bringing up a new XO. After talking to Tomman and mp00, and having an offer to help out, the job was offered to DevilCrayon. He will be starting out at Lieutenant Junior Grade and working his way up from there. However, he should be considered the same level of authority as me. He has all of the same website access here as I do and has full rights to make whatever decisions he feels are right in my absence. Further, he can always get a hold of me if he has a question.

Now many of you already found out. Between the recent tournament entry, and my work on the FWLM website to help figure out how to setup new units, I didn't get this up sooner.

So enough blabbing. I would like to officially welcome DevilCrayon to the position and thank him for taking on the responsibility.

Re: Filling in the Gaps

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2014 2:06 am
by RobertHall
Congrats DevilCrayon.